Nedavno je izašao novi album Rijane.
Pesme su zaista dobre, kao i uvek. Međutim, nije mi pažnju samo skrenula muzikom; primetila sam da u poslednje vreme Rijana "fura" jedan neobičan izgled.... Look osamdesetih...
Recently the new album of Rihanna was released.
The songs are really good, like always.
However, she did not get my attention only with her music; I noticed that lately, Rihanna has this unusual style.... The look of the 80's.

Pametno kombinuje garderobu tako da stvarno podseća kao da je upravo izašla iz tog perioda.
Ono što mi se zaistas sviđa, je da izgleda sve više ljudi se odlučuje upravo za ovakav stil oblačenja.
Istina je, moda se zaista ponavlja i vraća...
She combines the clothes very smart in a way that it really looks like she just came out of that period.
The thing that I really like is, that apparently people more and more decide to return to that style of fashion.
It is true... Fashion is repeating itself....

Rijana veoma pažljivo kombinuje detalje sa svakim delom svoje garderobe.
Nikada je nećete videti potpuno jednostavno obučenu. Čak i kad nosi jednodelni komplet, UVEK će ga ukombinovati sa dobrim parom cipela ili nekim jakim nakitom...
Rihanna very carefully combines details with her wardrobe.
You will never see her completely simple dressed. Even when she wears a one piece suit, she will ALWAYS combine a good pair of shoes or some bold jewelry....
She likes to mix up fabrics...

Ne boji se da nosi razne boje...
She is not afraid to use various colors...
Dobar par naočara je OBAVEZAN.
A good pair of sunglasses is MANDATORY.

Njoj čak i tetovaže čine modni detalj.
Even her tattoo's make an accessorie.

Nova kolekcija Convers patika su absolutni hit, a podsećaju i na osamdesete.
The new collection of Converse are an apsolute hit, and they do remind of the 80's.

Nosi duboke šorceve... Plitke stvari ispadaju iz mode (konačno)
She wears high waisted shortses... Low waisted stuff are out of fashion (finally)

Bold jewelry is always a must have!
Everybody loves the '80s look, I used to dress like 3-4 years ago and then it was so funny, now, it's a bit too much if you ask me. But she is cool.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean.. But I like a dash of 80's here and there..
DeleteAlso, on Rihanna it looks sooo cool!! :D
Ja mnogo volim svaki Rijanin stil, a sa ovim me je potpuno osvojila!