Crna i bela boja
Black & white color
Oduvek sam volela kombinaciju te dve boje.
Black & white color
Oduvek sam volela kombinaciju te dve boje.
Pre nekoliko godina, u ormaru sam imala samo te boje; Čak, mislim da je crna preovlađivala.
Danas je malo drugačije, imam puno boja. Ali moja najomiljenija kombinacija, uvek se svede na kombinaciju crne i bele boje.
Pa čak i Šanel zna da je to kombinacija stila. :)
Uživajte u ovoj kolekciji slika, videćete da je nije sve uvek u granicama običnog....
I've always loved those two colors.
A few years ago, in my closet, I had only those two colors. In fact, black was more dominant.
Today it's a bit different, I own a lot of colorful items. But my ultimate favorite clothing combination, always comes back to mixing up black&white.
Even Channel knows that that is a mix of style. :)
Enjoy this collection of pictures, you'll see that not all is in the boarders of usual...

Posebno volim kad se u look ubaci i malo punk rock-a.
I especially love when you put a bit of punk rock in the look.
I especially love when you put a bit of punk rock in the look.
Košulje sa ukrašenom kragnom su hit ove sezone.
Shirts with studs on the colar are an absolute hit this season.
Shirts with studs on the colar are an absolute hit this season.
Ne morate uvek da ukrasite vaš stil nakitom
You don't always have to decorate your style with jewelry
You don't always have to decorate your style with jewelry
To može biti i dobar lak za nokte.
It can even be a pretty nail polish.
It can even be a pretty nail polish.
Ali, naravno, nakit je po mom ukusu.
But, of course jewelry is in my taste.
But, of course jewelry is in my taste.

Nitne su mi jedne od omiljenih detalja.
Studs are one of my fav detailings.
Jednostavno i elegantno
Simple and elegant
Simple and elegant
Ovakve kragne možete i sami da napravite (ako želite da znate kako, ostavite komentar kako bih napravila sledeći "Uradi sam" post)
These collars can be made easily by you (if you wanna know how, leave a comment bellow so I could make a DIY post next time)
These collars can be made easily by you (if you wanna know how, leave a comment bellow so I could make a DIY post next time)
Those first flats are hot.
ReplyDeleteI know, right? They're awesome! :D
ReplyDeleteSlazem se s tobom, delim isti stav prema crno beloj kombinaciji! :D
Procitala sam tvoj intervju u Best Shop Magic, i mnoogoo mi se svidja tvoj blog!!