Jedno od najosnovnijih stvari koje jedna dama treba da vodi računa, je njen pazuh.
One of the basics of a female bodycare are her armpits.
A evo i nekoliko saveta za najlepši izgled sa minimalno truda:
So here are some small and easy tips to take care of them
Change your rasors regularly
To će vam sačuvati kožu i više nego što mislite. Taj predeo kože je veoma osetljiv, pa ga treba i negovati.
It will save your skin more than you think. That skin area is very sensitive, so you should take care of it properly.
One of the basics of a female bodycare are her armpits.
A evo i nekoliko saveta za najlepši izgled sa minimalno truda:
So here are some small and easy tips to take care of them
- Menjajte žilete redovno
Change your rasors regularly
To će vam sačuvati kožu i više nego što mislite. Taj predeo kože je veoma osetljiv, pa ga treba i negovati.
It will save your skin more than you think. That skin area is very sensitive, so you should take care of it properly.

2. Koristite penu za brijanje
Use a shaving foam
Use a shaving foam

*Alternativa brijanju je depiliranje. To možete uraditi u svom obližnjem salonu ili sami - kod kuće; a evo i recepta:
The alternative to shaving is waxing. You can get it done at the local beauty salon or by yourself - at home; and here is the diy recipe:
The alternative to shaving is waxing. You can get it done at the local beauty salon or by yourself - at home; and here is the diy recipe:
- 2 šoljice šećera - 2 cups of sugar
- 1/4 šoljice vode - 1/4 cups of water
- 1/4 limunovog soka - 1/4 lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
- Prokuvati u šerpi i ostaviti da se stegne (biće kao pravi vosak) - Boil it in a pot and leave to cool (it will look just like a real wax)
Drevni Egipćani su koristili ovo, kao što mi danas koristimo vosak za depilaciju u salonima lepote.
The ancient Egyptians were using this one, just like we use the wax today in beauty salons.

3. Soda bikarbona
Baking soda
Sipajte malo sode bikarbone u činiju i zalijte malo vodom, dok ne postane kao pasta.
Utrljajte u kožu pazuha i ostavite da odstoji 10-15 minuta. Posle samo isperite vodom.
*Ovo pored toga što skida mrtve ćelije i sve bakterije, ima isti efekat kao i dezodorans.
Put a little baking soda in a bowl and pour a little water in it, until it becomes like a paste.
Put it on your underarm skin and leave it for 10-15 minutes. After just wash out with water.
* Besides the fact it removes dead skin cells and all of the bacteria, it has the same effect as a deodorant.
Baking soda
Sipajte malo sode bikarbone u činiju i zalijte malo vodom, dok ne postane kao pasta.
Utrljajte u kožu pazuha i ostavite da odstoji 10-15 minuta. Posle samo isperite vodom.
*Ovo pored toga što skida mrtve ćelije i sve bakterije, ima isti efekat kao i dezodorans.
Put a little baking soda in a bowl and pour a little water in it, until it becomes like a paste.
Put it on your underarm skin and leave it for 10-15 minutes. After just wash out with water.
* Besides the fact it removes dead skin cells and all of the bacteria, it has the same effect as a deodorant.

4. Još jedna metoda dezinfikacije pazuha prirodnim putem je: sirće.
Another method of armpit cleaning in a natiral way is: vinagre.
Samo stavite malo sirćeta na vatu i očistite. NE treba ispirati, miris sirćeta će samo ispariti posle nekoliko minuta.
Just put some vinagre on a cotton ball and clean. Do NOT wash out with water, the scent of the vinagre will evaporate in a few minutes.
Another method of armpit cleaning in a natiral way is: vinagre.
Samo stavite malo sirćeta na vatu i očistite. NE treba ispirati, miris sirćeta će samo ispariti posle nekoliko minuta.
Just put some vinagre on a cotton ball and clean. Do NOT wash out with water, the scent of the vinagre will evaporate in a few minutes.

Nadam se da su vam ovi saveti bili korisni. Ostavite komentare ako imate još neki predlog.
I hope you liked my advices and found them useful. If you have any other suggestions leave a comment below to let me know.
I hope you liked my advices and found them useful. If you have any other suggestions leave a comment below to let me know.
odlicni saveti
ReplyDeleteHvala puno.
Ovo za sirce je stvarno genijalno. Drug moj to koristi, jer imao bas problem sa jakim mirisom pazuha, i ni1 dezodorans mu nije pomogao!! Bilo mi je malo cudno jer je sirce u pitanju, al se nista ne oseca!!!